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Spatika Linga being installed inside a rockcut cave. The temple is designed in such way that lord shiva is sitting inside the serpent hill. The power of Spatika Linga is such that if anybody stands before Shiva Linga a Disturbed / Polluted Mind will transform into Peaceful Mind, anyone can experience it practically. The power of Spatika Linga is called Arunachaleshwara which is situated in Karnataka State, Bangalore, Rajarajeswarinagar on Shrungagiri Hill. Here another uniqueness is Shiva Linga is the Linga is always under Jalaabhishekha, 24 hours and 365 days.
The Shiva Linga was made into 3 parts as Bramha, Vishnu and Maheshwara which is the basic concept of Shiv Linga according to Shastras. Also, this combination was helpful in executing the knelling in high temperature for 45 days. The creator succeeded in melting the crystals at high temperature and formed the Shiva Linga at 3 feet height, 3 ½ feet width and 3 feet diameter with a 9 feet perimeter. This Shiva Linga is very different when compared to so many other specialized Shiva Linga.
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